also bei mir läuft Ubuntu 5.1 als in der 32-bit Version einwandfrei als vmware. Aber meine vmworksttion 5.5 sagt mir, dass Ubuntu als 64-bit Version noch im experimentierstadium ist - also schau doch mal in die knowledgebase auf
habe das dort gleich als erstes topic gefunden: (searchtext Ubuntu 64bit)
Configuring the X Server in 64-Bit Ubuntu Linux 5.10
I installed the 64-bit version of Ubuntu Linux 5.10 as a guest operating system. The X server does not start correctly in this guest. How can I set up a working graphical display?
The 64-bit version of Ubuntu Linux 5.10 lacks a driver needed for correct operation of the X server in the virtual machine. The driver is installed when you install VMware Tools.
The following special steps are needed to install VMware Tools in the 64-bit version of Ubuntu Linux 5.10:
1. Start the virtual machine and allow Ubuntu Linux to boot.
2. If you cannot use your X display, switch to a text mode terminal by holding down the Ctrl-Alt keys while you press and release the spacebar, then press F2. Do not release Ctrl-Alt until after you press F2. Log on with the user name and password you created during installation.
3. You are now ready to follow the normal instructions for installing VMware Tools in a Linux virtual machine using the tar installer. For details, see the manual for your VMware product or follow the appropriate link in the knowledge base article at
Note: The directory /mnt/cdrom does not exist in the standard installation of Ubuntu Linux. You can mount the VMware Tools CD-ROM image at /media/cdrom with the following command:
mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
Adjust other commands in the installation instructions appropriately.