Hei, Ich habe eine Opensuse 11.1 von der kde4.2-live-CD auf meinem laptop installiert und bekomme keine Verbindung zum WLAN. Ich benutze den Networkmanager, der WLAN-router findet, wenn ich aber versuche, zu verbinden, passiert nichts (für mich sichtbares). Beim Suchen in verschiedenen Foren bin ich auf das script collectNWData.sh gestoßen, das mit den unten angeklebten Rapport liefert. Offenbar bekommt meine Netzwerkkarte keine IP-Nummer. Allerdings weiß ich nicht wie ich das Problem löse. Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?
joerg/Desktop> ./collectNWData.sh
collectNWData.sh V0.6.1.12 (Rev: 1.162, Build: 2009/06/09 18:29:26)
--- Script has to be executed as root. Please enter the root password. If you have any concerns to execute the script as root please read http://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/CND_rootAccess#English
collectNWData.sh V0.6.1.12 (Rev: 1.162, Build: 2009/06/09 18:29:26)
--- Which type of your network connection should be tested?
--- (1) Wired connection
--- (2) Wireless connection (WLAN)
--- Please answer with 1-2:2
--- What's the type of networktopology?
--- (1) WLAN access point <---> LinuxClient
--- (2) WLAN HW router <---> LinuxClient
--- (3) WLAN access point <---> LinuxRouter <---> LinuxClient
--- (4) WLAN HW router <---> LinuxRouter <---> LinuxClient
--- Please answer with 1-4:2
--- Analyzing system for common network configuration errors...
!!! CND0120E: Network card eth0 has no IP address
!!! CND0330E: WLAN credential problems exist on interface eth0
!!! CND0230W: IPV6 enabled
!!! CND0240E: knetworkmanager for network configuration enabled but network card configuration for eth1,eth0 detected
!!! CND0360E: Wireless connection tested with an existing wired connection on interface eth1. Unplug the cable and execute the script again
--- Collecting networkconfiguration information ...
--- Go to http://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/CND#English to get more detailed instructions about the error/warning messages and how to fix the problems
--- If you still don't have success then post the contents of file collectNWData.txt in the net (see http://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/CND_UPL#English for links) and then the nopaste link on your favorite Linux forum.
joerg/Desktop> ./collectNWData.sh
collectNWData.sh V0.6.1.12 (Rev: 1.162, Build: 2009/06/09 18:29:26)
--- Script has to be executed as root. Please enter the root password. If you have any concerns to execute the script as root please read http://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/CND_rootAccess#English
collectNWData.sh V0.6.1.12 (Rev: 1.162, Build: 2009/06/09 18:29:26)
--- Which type of your network connection should be tested?
--- (1) Wired connection
--- (2) Wireless connection (WLAN)
--- Please answer with 1-2:2
--- What's the type of networktopology?
--- (1) WLAN access point <---> LinuxClient
--- (2) WLAN HW router <---> LinuxClient
--- (3) WLAN access point <---> LinuxRouter <---> LinuxClient
--- (4) WLAN HW router <---> LinuxRouter <---> LinuxClient
--- Please answer with 1-4:2
--- Analyzing system for common network configuration errors...
!!! CND0120E: Network card eth0 has no IP address
!!! CND0330E: WLAN credential problems exist on interface eth0
!!! CND0230W: IPV6 enabled
!!! CND0240E: knetworkmanager for network configuration enabled but network card configuration for eth1,eth0 detected
!!! CND0360E: Wireless connection tested with an existing wired connection on interface eth1. Unplug the cable and execute the script again
--- Collecting networkconfiguration information ...
--- Go to http://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/CND#English to get more detailed instructions about the error/warning messages and how to fix the problems
--- If you still don't have success then post the contents of file collectNWData.txt in the net (see http://www.linux-tips-and-tricks.de/CND_UPL#English for links) and then the nopaste link on your favorite Linux forum.